Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 18

Even though I'm 19 weeks pregnant now, I just cannot skip writing about week 18. It was just too good...

What an exciting week, week 18 was! So many things to talk about.

First off, we got to watch our baby on a TV screen for a good 20 minutes at our ultrasound appointment on Wednesday. It was magical, and I could have sat there all day long. While we were there we found out that our baby is a...GIRL! I had a gut feeling that she was indeed a she pretty soon into the pregnancy, but it's still such a fun surprise to find out for sure. 
She was quite the stubborn little girl for Ms. Rhonda (the ultrasound tech). She was laying on her belly the whole time and no matter how much Rhonda poked and shook my belly baby girl just wasn't in the mood to roll over. She was moving a ton though. She would kick her little legs, and move her neck in this funny little hiccup like motion. She finally did rotate enough for Rhonda to tell that she was a girl.
I wish I had an ultrasound machine at home. I would get nothing done though because I would literally come home and watch her all night. She's amazing! 

Baby girl was an estimated 9 oz (1/2 lb.), and 7 inches at our appointment on Wednesday, which is pretty much right where she should be. In the next five weeks her weight could increase by SIX times! Wow, I guess I'm in for a growth spurt, too! They measured all of her major bones, looked at her brain, heart, and kidneys, and everything looked healthy and right on track. I am so grateful for my healthy girl. 

Much to my excitement there was a big baby consignment sale going on at one of the malls here in New Orleans. I went by on Thursday (everything was 50% off) and got some incredibly adorable outfits for the girl. Andrew took this picture when I got home and hung them all up, posted it on facebook with the caption "Lord help us..." 

She does have quite the wardrobe accumulating, and I know this is just the beginning, if all of my girl's aunties have anything to do with it. She's well loved already. 

As Andrew and I were waking up on Tuesday morning I rubbed my belly and noticed it felt different, a lot more round! I asked him to feel and he said "That's SO weird! How did it change overnight?!" It really did change so quickly. Now I have a true bump going on. This is the only picture I got this week, unfortunately. 

I'm starting to feel her move more and more. She is still pretty low, and like our ultrasound proved, likes to lay side to side on her belly. She will only fit that way for a little longer, so I hope she figures out other comfy ways of resting! 

Let me show you some pictures of my little skeleton baby! She's pretty adorable. 
This was our attempt at a profile shot. Like I said, she wasn't cooperative and gave us a shot of the back of her head and tiny little shoulder instead. 
Laying on her belly some more 
And the crotch shot. Andrew kept saying to people at church,  "you can't see this's not appropriate."

Now we are onto deciding on a name. Which, by the way, is probably going to be one of the hardest decisions of my life. It's a major decision, and something that our girl is going to have to live with for the rest of her life...the pressure is on!  

My sweet girl, 

Your dad and I have been so in love with you from the beginning, but getting to see you in action made both of our hearts swell with love and pride for you! Thanks for cooperating enough that we could find out that you're a girl on Wednesday. I know you were probably frustrated about us waking you from your cozy belly nap, but believe me, you'll thank me later when you see all the cute dresses I got to buy for you on Thursday. The anticipation to meet you is growing every day. Your dad and I are trying our best to plan for your arrival. We pray for you every night when we're all in bed, and it is already such a special time for us as a family. I can't wait until you're actually here to cuddle with us in bed, but we want you to keep growing healthy and strong, sweet pea! 

Love you to the moon and back, 

Monday, March 19, 2012

Week 17

I'm back again for more talk about this kid that has taken over our blog, and will soon be taking over both of our lives. 

17 weeks into this journey. 3 more weeks until we are at the half-way blows my mind how quickly this is flying by. Andrew and I were in shock thinking about how it feels like only a couple of weeks ago we were finding out about this lil bun in the oven, and now, just like that we're almost half-way to meeting him/her! Speaking of him/her, we are in full countdown mode until we get to find out if little one is a him or a her...8 days! CANNOT WAIT. 

Baby's development this week is not much different than last. The one difference is that our baby is now probably able to hear what's going on in the world outside my belly. It's pretty fun to think that he/she can hear Andrew and I's voices, he/she has probably already mastered covering its ears every morning on our way to work while I'm belting it in the car to wake up. I'm sure that's a lovely alarm clock.

As far as symptoms go, I'm more tired this week than I have been the past couple of weeks. I'm sure it has something to do with getting up to pee at least 3 times every night, thanks to my insatiable thirst that likes to kick in just about an hour before I go to bed. I've also been having really strange, vivid dreams and remembering every single detail about them. I've read that this is common in pregnancy and is because you spend less time in REM sleep because of said getting up to pee, tossing and turning, and the inability to get comfortable (which I'm sure is only bound to get worse once my belly is huge), so you are able to recall your dreams better. 

Still feeling the kiddo move occasionally and it is SO AMAZING. Andrew and I had pulled pork sandwiches tonight for dinner and right after I was done eating the baby just started moving around like crazy. The movements don't feel like I thought they would, but I'm sure once the baby gets bigger, it will feel more like a baby and less like a little bumble bee buzzing in my belly. 

For the bump pictures this week I thought we would change it up a bit and go out to our "backyard" for some pictures. The weather has been so beautiful here and it was nice to have a reason to go out and enjoy it! This week at church several people made comments about being able to tell there was a baby in there. So many people are excited with us, and it makes us that much more excited too! 

This next one doesn't really count as a bump picture, but it's just hilarious. It looks as though Oscar Mayer has moved in down the street from us. I have no idea how they parked this thing in our neighborhood (we can sometimes barely find parking spots for our cars), but they did have a residential parking pass.

Hope y'all are have a wonderful week! 

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Baby dreamin'

I've been dreaming about what our little one is going to look like today. Looking at these pictures made me even more excited to meet our cutie in just a few short months.

Will it have my big blue eyes, or Andrew's pretty brown ones?
I'm pretty sure our kiddo is destined to have the Crosby jawline and chin, because almost all Crosby babies do, and I'm okay with that because look how cute! 
Will it have Andrew's whispy blonde hair that he had as a little boy, or my curly curly curly brown hair? I was thinking up until looking at these pictures that our baby would definitely have curly hair from the beginning, but it definitely could be straight and blonde if it gets Daddy's genes...

Either way, I know I'm going to think it's the cutest little thing I ever did see. 
I can't wait to see! 

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Week 16

I suppose I should post week 16 of pregnancy before I'm 17 weeks. This week has been different because our family was in New Orleans visiting for spring break. We had such a great time eating at our favorite restaurants, going to see the gators, and enjoying the fun things New Orleans has to offer that we don't always take advantage of living here.

Baby C is the about as long as a pencil and as plump as an avocado this week. That's pretty big! He/she is pretty much doubling (if not more) in size every few weeks at this point, which is just insane to me. The baby's heart is now pumping over 25 quarts of blood a day, he/she has started growing toenails, and the patterning of its hairline is starting to show.
We have an appointment this coming Wednesday and then our big ultrasound (where we will hopefully find out if we'll be blessed with a boy or a girl) the next Wednesday. Andrew and I are both very excited about, and anxiously waiting for the 28th to be here. We were killing some time looking around at Old Navy yesterday and Andrew kept picking up tiny adorable baby dresses saying "this is precious" or "aw". I told him that he keeps saying he wants a boy, but I really think he wants a girl. He's still feeling like it's a boy, but I know he would be a great daddy to a baby girl too. She is going to be SPOILED if it is a girl...he likes to spoil the women he loves.
Either way we are going to be so ecstatic to finally know a little more about the one that will be changing our lives in a few short months.

A huge milestone for this week is that I'm really feeling the baby move now. Up until now it has been indiscriminate flutters occasionally in the mornings. Now I feel what I can only describe as almost a vibration feeling in my lower left abdomen a few times a day, mostly when I am laying or sitting down. I've put my hand on my belly above where I've felt the movement, but it's not to the point of being able to be felt on the outside quite yet. I can't describe how amazing it is to feel our baby move for the first times. Every time it happens I'm overjoyed with the fact that my baby is growing, flourishing, and enjoying it's safe little home inside my belly.

We didn't take an official belly photo this week, and I figured since I am one day away from 17 weeks, and Andrew is out doing groomsman stuff for his friend's wedding, we just wouldn't take a picture this week. Then I started thinking what if our baby comes to me and says "what did I look like at 16 weeks in utero?"I would have no way to show them. So, I took a reflection picture using my iphone in our dusty mirror in our messy closet while wearing sweatpants that are now a little too snug, and a shirt from college.

It will do.

Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 15

Well we are just chugging right along! When I realize another week has passed and it's time to take a picture I sometimes can't believe time is going so quickly.

Week 15 has been a rough one. I got some sort of stomach bug this weekend and my body revolted. I spent a good part of the weekend either on the couch, in my bed, or near the toilet. It was rough, but I woke up this morning feeling much better and decided to go to work.

This week our baby started "breathing" amniotic fluid through its nose and upper respiratory tract! He/she is almost 4 inches long, about the size of an orange. Although its eyelids are still fused shut, the baby can already sense light, and according to if we were to have an ultrasound this week we could probably find out if our baby is a girl or a boy.
Unfortunately, we have 3 more weeks until we're going to get to find out. I am getting super antsy about it, I cannot wait to find out!

Symptoms this week really haven't changed, besides the bug I got, which I'm not going to blame on our kiddo. I haven't been able to tell if my fatigue is getting better because of feeling sick, but I have a feeling I'm on the upswing here because I have stayed up past 11:00 several nights in a row without feeling like "OH MY GOSH I'M GOING TO DIE IF I DON'T SLEEP RIGHT NOWWWWW!!!" Progress.

I'm starting to feel like I may actually look pregnant to people who don't know I am pregnant. I definitely have more of a belly toward the end of the day, after eating 3 meals (and a few snacks), but seeing a pronounced baby bump is helping me feel like I'm actually growing something and not just gaining weight and looking fat. Body image has been surprisingly difficult for me to handle. I figured that because I know I'm pregnant and that gaining weight during pregnancy is what you're supposed to do, that I would handle my body changing pretty naturally and easily. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case. Not fitting into some of my favorite clothes (as silly and superficial as it may be) has been pretty hard on me at times. I, of course, am able to focus and turn those negative thoughts into positive ones the second I start to remember the miracle growing inside of me, and how much God has blessed us with a healthy baby and smooth pregnancy so far. Not sure how I got started on that, but...moving on!

Here's the bump at 15 weeks!

Little one, 

As the weeks pass the desire to meet you, see you, and cuddle you in my arms grows more and more. I was talking to Auntie Kristina this week about you and how fun it is going to be to see you and Nolan grow up together. We talked about taking both of you to the zoo, and watching you play together. Life with you is going to be so much fun! All the girls at mama's work are guessing if you're a girl or a boy,  it is split about half and half. So many people are anticipating your arrival, you are already SO loved. I know I'm not the only one who cannot wait to hug and kiss you and show you that love in person, but for now, keep growing! 

We love you, 

Saturday, March 3, 2012


Well, it looks as though I have been "tagged" in this fun little fun facts about yourself questionnaire that has been floating around blogger world these days. It seems fun! Thanks for the tag Robyn, I'm so happy to have a friend to walk this becoming a mamma journey with (Robyn and Eli's little love is due about a week after fun)!

The Rules
1. You must post the rules.
2. Post 11 fun facts about yourself on the blog post.
3. Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post, and then 
create 11 new questions to ask the people you've tagged.
4. Tag 4 people and link them on your post
5. Let them know you've tagged them!

11 fun facts about me:
1. This one kind of goes without saying, because if you're reading this blog right now you most definitely already know, but it's also the most fun fact of my life right now that in August Andrew and I are expecting our first baby! The anticipation of meeting him/her grows by the day, and so does my love. I've said it before, but growing a baby is one of the most amazing experiences I've ever had, and I haven't even felt a kick yet!

2. I really enjoy reading, but I haven't read a book since our honeymoon. I guess I just don't make time for it, even though I have a long list of books that I would love to read. Right now I am reading "What to Expect When You're Expecting", but that doesn't really count because it's not the type of book you read cover to cover (to me at least). I do read blogs everyday, which may seem like a hobby that would get me nowhere in life, but I have actually learned SO much from reading blogs. Andrew and I were discussing swaddling the other day because of a picture he saw of a baby in one of those zip up swaddle blankets, and I spat out a bunch of pros and cons of swaddling. He asked me "how in the world do you know that much about swaddling??" My answer? Blogs. 

3. I am a self proclaimed dog breed expert. When I was little I had so many books about dogs that I would literally study. I would read them over and over again, quiz myself, and live in this little dream world where I could have as many dogs as I wanted. If you can't tell by reading this, I was definitely not 'cool' or 'popular' by any means when I was a kid :)! To this day my brain has saved a special spot for dog breeds. It's kind of crazy how I've preserved so much information that is kind of useless in my day to day life. 

4. Driving in New Orleans has given me road rage. I have never had problems with getting upset while driving, but now that I live in this city where it seems like maybe 1 out of 100 people took drivers education I catch myself getting heated really easily. 

5. I could eat cereal for every meal. As long as I had a good variety, I really don't think I would ever get tired of it. 

6. I love photography. I enjoy taking pictures, looking at pictures, and reading about how to take better pictures. I think my love stems from my Granddad, who is a professional photographer in my eyes. He shows and sells his work in shows, and I love rummaging through his darkroom. 
The beautiful Leslie on her senior photo shoot that I had the privilege of doing
7. I'm really finicky about meat. I would not call myself a picky person because I really will try anything, but when it comes to meat I just have some strange OCD tendencies, especially when I'm cooking with it. I don't like to eat any frozen meals with frozen chicken or beef in it, canned meat is a big no-no, and when preparing meat I tend to go crazy when cutting off the fatty parts, in the end I usually look at my pile of scraps and it's half fat half meat that could have been used. If I catch a whiff of raw meat while I'm cutting it and I think might smell funny, I can't bring myself to eat it no matter how delicious it smells or looks after it's cooked. Weird, I know. 

8. My favorite piece of clothing is a raggedy mustard yellow cardigan that's missing a button and has little pills of fabric all over it. I wear it regularly and probably will until it rips in half. 

9. I have an irrational fear of birds. Big black birds really scare me, pigeons freak me out with their nastiness, and parrots...don't get me started. 
a big step for me
10. I can't wait until Andrew and I can have a dog. Our current landlords wont let us have pets, but that is a must with our next house. I get overly excited when I think about adding a dog to our family. 

11. Andrew and I love catching up on TV shows together at night. Our favorites these days include: Modern Family, Grey's Anatomy (I've got him hooked), New Girl, The Middle, Parenthood (ALWAYS makes me cry...especially these days), and (ashamedly) The Bachelor. 

Whew! That was harder than I thought it would be. 
Now for Robyn's questions for me: 
1. If you could go on a vacation tomorrow, price not important, where would you go?
I would want to go to Greece. I don't know if I've watched Sisterhood of the Traveling Pants one too many times or not, but it looks too beautiful to be true. 
2. What ridiculous fashion style have you embraced at one point? (hair style, tube socks, bright eyeshadow... you know there was something!) 
I cut my hair in a pixie cut. I'm not sure if that would count as ridiculous to most people, but after I did it, I felt like it was a ridiculous choice. It grew on me, but I will NEVER do it again. 

3. Sweet or salty snacks?
Tough one, Robyn. These days I think I would choose salty over sweet. Although girl scout cookies just came in, so I may change my tune. Let's just resign to saying I'm a fatty and I love both. 
4. What was your favorite childhood movie?
Probably Lion King. I used to pretend I was a lion with my cousins, and I was convinced I could sing like Simba when he was a kid lion. I also loved watching the Animal Planet shows about dogs (surprise , surprise). 
5. What is a food you could never give up?
Mexican food. Chips, salsa, queso, guacamole, enchiladas. This Texas girl loves Mexican food!
6. Would you prefer to be inside or outside on your day off?
On my days off, I like to wake up slow. Reading blogs and drinking coffee while snuggled up on the couch in the morning is an ideal start to a day off. If it's nice outside, Andrew and I might take a stroll down to the French Quarter. So, I would prefer both!
7. Do you have a favorite verse or Scripture passage?
Yes, 1 Peter 5:6-7 has been a wonderful reminder so often in my life. 
"Humble yourselves, therefore, under the might hand of God so that at the proper time he may exalt you, casting all your anxieties on him, because he cares for you." 
8. Do you sing in the shower?
Not much these days. Mostly because I shower in the morning while Andrew is still asleep and I don't want to wake him up. If I'm taking a shower and know I wont disturb him, then heck yeah, I belt it! 
9. What is your ideal outfit for a date night?
My favorite skinny jeans, a cute top, and fun colored shoes. 
10. What are three things you hope to accomplish over the next 10 years?
Buy a house, fill it with children (biological and fostered/adopted), and find my true passion in nursing.
11. How have you seen God working in your life this past year?
God has grown me tremendously this past year, through being engaged, getting married, and now having a baby I have learned selflessness to a new degree! It's challenging and wonderful and I can't wait to see what He has in store next. I am so grateful for how He has blessed Andrew and I. 

Next UP!
My questions for you wonderful ladies are:

1. What is the most interesting thing you have ever done?
2. What are your favorite blogs?
3. Who do you look up to and admire, why?
4. If you had to eat at the same restaurant every day, where would it be?
5. What is your most valued possession?
6. If you could tell your 16 year old self one thing, what would it be?
7. What is your favorite childhood memory?
8. What is your biggest pet peeve?
9. What is your favorite photo that you have taken? Post it! 
10. What is your favorite food?
11. What are three things you want to do/accomplish before you die?

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