Monday, December 19, 2011

Stream of consciousness

Tonight I made dinner with questionable chicken. If Andrew and I die, you all know how. Well, actually Andrew might be more likely to die, because I couldn't get over the thought that the chicken might be questionable. With every bite all I could think was "rotten chicken...rotten CHICKEN...ROTTEN CHICKEN!"
Then I ate bowl of cereal.

I finally did some Christmas shopping tonight. Procrastination was in full swing but I smacked it down and was actually semi-productive!

I LOVE getting Christmas cards. It makes me so happy to open them up and find a place for them on our fridge. It's so fun. A simple pleasure that I never really got to enjoy pre-marriage.

I had to get a New Orleans number this past week. I was sad to say goodbye to my loyal 254 number, but my staff weren't enjoying calling long distance. Now that I'm thinking about it, maybe keeping it would have reduced the number of people that like to call in at 3am. Worst part of my job by far-- answering the phone at 3 in the morning. It gets my heart rate up thinking someone died or something then I answer the phone to *fake cough* "Mrs. Allye" *another fake cough* "I'm really sick and won't be able to come in at 6...." Great. Just great.
Anyway, I was going to tell you about how I had to get a new number, and how after I got a new number ALL of my precious iPhone pictures got deleted. And for some strange reason, unbeknownst to me (and my good friends at Verizon), my phone has lost the capability of storing pictures. I take a picture and then it goes to a dark abyss that I do not have access to. It's quite sad. I'm taking it to the apple store tomorrow, and hopefully my grave problem will be solved.

3 more full days until we head to Texas for Christmas. It's going to be a quick trip, but one filled with joy, no doubt. I just love Christmas.

We got our Over the Rhine Snow Angel album on vinyl in the mail today. I bet you can guess what we're doing tonight.
If you guessed laying on the couch watching the fire, staring at our pretty christmas tree, and singing "darlin', Christmas is comin'", then you are correct. Congratulations.

This video made me smile and say "aww" so many times. Watch it. Seriously, it's one of the sweetest, cutest Christmas video's I've seen.

Saturday, December 17, 2011

4 Christmases

This year will be the 4th Christmas Andrew and I have spent together.
Even though this one is extra special because it's our first married christmas, it is still fun to look back on the past Christmases (that word looks weirder every time I look at it), see how much we have changed, and think about where we have come from in our relationship. 

I feel so blessed to have gotten 4 Christmases with this wonderful guy of mine, and I look forward to a whole lot more. 
2008 (the year of big hair)

2009 (the year it snowed in Texas on Christmas!)

2010 (Engaged Christmas)

This year (our "first" Christmas)

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

A long winded update

I guess since it's December 7th, I should tell you about how great our Thanksgiving was, and update you on what's going on in our life now. 

We had such a great time in Texas over Thanksgiving. Andrew and I really do have so much to be thankful for.

We started out the Thanksgiving Festivities at Gran's house on Thursday. We ate a bunch of yummy food, watched football, and the girls made ornaments while the boys went hunting.

Kylie Beth at Gran's house
On Friday we celebrated with the very large and wonderful Crosby family. Ate a lot of yummy food (again), played with kids, sang songs, chatted with family, and held babies. 
Us and Phoebe at Crosby Thanksgiving
Crosby kids riding the train
A few sweet Crosby babies 
Saturday we met up with my grandparents, cousin, aunt, and uncle. We ate a lot of yummy food (yet again), laughed at my crazy family, tried to teach my grandad to attach pictures to emails, and laughed more thinking about my grandad getting kicked out of a mall for taking pictures at a victoria secret for a photography project he's doing.

On Sunday we bought our first Christmas tree after shopping around for what felt like hours. We were determined to get the best deal so we started at Walmart, then went to Target, then to Michael's, then back to Target where we finally decided to not be cheap-os and just splurge for the tree we loved. We brought our tree home, unpacked it, and decorated it while listening to Christmas records. It was so fun to make those memories together. Our little New Orleans abode now has plenty of Christmas cheer.

On Friday, only 5 days after we left, we made the journey back to Texas to celebrate Andrew's grandpa Crosby's wonderful life. He passed away on Friday night and we were blessed to be able to go and spend a few days with family. The entire 4 days were truly a celebration and a really special time to worship together. It was the most meaningful service I have ever been to, and made me incredibly grateful to be apart of a family that loves the Lord so much.

When we got back this evening we made a b-line to the hospital to visit the newest member of our New Orleans crew. Nolan was born while we were gone and we couldn't wait to visit him and his mom and dad. He let us hold him, squish his chunky cheeks, kiss his soft little forehead, ooh and aah over how long his fingers and toes are, and he even showed off by sucking his fingers for the first time. He is the first baby of our little friend group, and let me just tell you, this little guy is going to be one spoiled kid.
Check out this adorableness:
Seriously the cutest newborn I have even seen.

 And I'll go ahead and leave you with that because, honestly, what is better than a picture of a sweet newborn baby sucking on his fingers?
The answer to that question is nothing. 

Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Becca Visits NOLA


We had so much fun with Becca. Andrew and I love getting to play tour guide and show people what New Orleans is all about. We stopped by all the normal hot spots-- the quarter, cafe du monde, the levee, and spent every day focusing on what we were going to eat next. 

We listened to lots of good music, most of it being spontaneous (my favorite kind). I loved getting a 3 day weekend. It was much needed. 
Now I'm back to work and counting down the days until we get to go home for Thanksgiving! 

Friday, November 11, 2011

November Update

Well, November is upon us and I just cannot believe how fast time is flying.
I love this time of year. Thanksgiving, Christmas, cardigans, boots. It all makes me feel warm and fuzzy. That is, until my alarm goes off at 6:45 and I have to get out from under my warm bed and step onto our freezing floors in our old, cold house without central heat. The warm and fuzzies leave in the morning.

I'm slowly starting to pick up on my job. I'm encouraged every day that I'm doing exactly what I'm supposed to be doing right now. I'm in love with 120 fabulous, needy, sweet senior adults. I got really, really stressed for the first time this week. I had about 5 families with multiple complaints that I couldn't fix right away, hadn't crossed one thing off of my to do list, and didn't eat lunch until 3pm. I shoved some salad down my throat, got some work done, and all was well.

Andrew's work has slowed a little with football season coming to a close. They had a tournament for the boys at the park, where they lost (no surprise here), but still got trophies. It was crazy adorable how excited they were to 'win' the trophies. They were so proud. Basketball season has started but Andrew is just going to help when needed. We'll go to the games and cheer them on, but a break was needed.

We had some friends over for Halloween. I made turkey chili with cornbread and we ate in our backyard dressed like fools. We walked around the quarter and saw a bunch of really crazy people. A good time was had by all. 

My friend Becca from nursing school is visiting this weekend. It's her first time to New Orleans which means Andrew and I get to be tour guides (our favorite!) and show her this great city of ours. I'm excited.

12 days until Andrew and I get to go home for Thanksgiving. I cannot wait. I'm so ready for a short break to relax and spend time with our family.

Exciting times folks!
Well, Andrew just put Hank Williams "Hey Good Lookin'" on the record player. Time to go dance in my slippers.
Love from New Orleans,

Friday, October 28, 2011

A favorite

"Life cannot be understood flat on a page. It has to be lived; a person has to get out of his head, has to fall in love, has to memorize poems, has to jump off bridges into rivers, has to stand in an empty desert and whisper sonnets under his breath... We get one story, you and I, and one story alone. God has established the elements, the setting, the climax and resolution. It would be a crime not to venture out, wouldn't it?"    -Donald Miller, Through Painted Deserts

Monday, October 24, 2011


Last night we got the wonderful, exciting privilege of going to a Saints game. Andrew has been before, but it was my first live Saints experience (actually, my first live NFL experience). It was SO fun. I would venture out to say that Saints fans are like no other fans. I don't have any real evidence of this since it was my first NFL experience, but it was so loud in that dome. People are just incredibly happy, dancing, giving everyone around them high fives, singing, and "standing up and getting crunk". I guess it helped that the Saints completely dominated the poor Colts, but I think the energy would have been similar if that wasn't the case, too.
It was really fun. Way more fun than I was expecting. I told Andrew that I want season tickets. I don't know if we'll be able to afford them...ever...but it's fun to dream.
We live close enough that we could walk, which made the experience all the more enjoyable. Getting to experience the mass chaos of the city before a game was great. Not having to sit in traffic was pretty amazing, too.
Here are a few pictures of our evening.
The Dome just got adopted by Mercedes Bendz, so there are now fancy lights on it. It looks pretty. 
There were a few people there.

Final Score, and our friends Jeff, Berry, and Steven 
As you can tell, it was a successful night for the Saints. We had a ton of fun. I'm grateful to have a generous boss that would rather watch the game on TV!

Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Things: job, perspectives, etc.

It has been a whirlwind experience, this new job of mine.
I have enjoyed pretty much every minute of it. Even the parts that are challenging and tiring. I think I can say that the only thing I genuinely didn't enjoy was my decision to wear heels on my first day. My feet were KILLING me.
I already have the feeling that I'm making a difference in people's lives. That's why I chose this profession, and I feel so blessed that I'm getting to feel this way.
I have great flexibility in my day, getting to go visit residents in hospitals, potential future residents at their homes, and then running around the community for the rest of the day solving problems and talking to residents about their grandchildren and medications. If I allowed myself, I could stay there every day until at least 9pm and still not have everything that I initially wanted to accomplish in the day done. It's okay though, because it's teaching me flexibility and the importance of priorities.
My co-workers are so great. They have welcomed me with open arms into this 'family' of theirs, and have been nothing but helpful and encouraging.
I'm very blessed.

Andrew has been sick, and still is. Despite my constant nagging for him to go to the doctor he still hasn't. I asked him the other day if this was going to be something we argued about for the rest of our lives. He said yes. I sighed and agreed to disagree, and then began plotting ways to secretly make him a doctors appointment and somehow get him to go. No luck thus far. I'll keep you updated. :)

We spent Friday night walking around the French Quarter with friends, eating at one of our favorite little Italian restaurants, listening to the boys talk about football teams, while us girls planned a day for us to go shopping at all the fun little shops downtown. We came back to our place and sat in our backyard looking at the stars, talking about things shallow and deep, while shushing each other to listen to the occasional clip-clop of horses coming down our street on their way home from a long day pulling carriages of tourists around the Quarter.

Our life here is starting to feel normal. Not only normal, but really sweet and wonderful. I've gotten to the point where moving back to Texas doesn't feel like my first choice anymore. New Orleans is starting to get in my blood like everyone promised it would. I'm starting to love this quirky city we call home, and am definitely not as home sick for Texas as I was just a few short months ago.

Uncle David preached about dreams today at church and it got me thinking about my dreams, our dreams. I have been working on my Life List recently (a list of things I want to do/accomplish in my life), and his sermon really stirred up the desire in me to live out the dreams God has placed in me. Hopefully I can share the list soon. It's fun. Full of big dreams, and little dreams alike.

It's fun to dream, isn't it?

Have a dreamy week.

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Insta-Friday: Saturday Edition

Didn't take many pictures again this week. Oops! 
I did take one that I happen to be extremely fond of. Please allow me to share it with you: 

Yep, it's what you think it is. 
A picture of me reading my employee handbook at the boys' football practice. 
I am employed, and feeling extremely blessed and taken care of. 
I'll be working at an assisted living facility and am very excited to get started on Monday. It is going to be a very challenging job that will stretch me beyond my comfort zone. I have a lot to learn. 
Andrew and I are both so grateful for your prayers. We are thankful that God provided for us through this time, and that he brought us through it quickly! 

Friday, September 23, 2011

Insta-Friday, except not so much.

I failed in taking pictures this week.
I took one.
And it's straight up depressing.
(it's a picture of a 5 inch long grey hair that I pulled out of my head...terrifying.)

I started cleaning houses this week for Andrew's cousin's company. I'm having a hard time having a good attitude about it all. Not being able to find a job has been so discouraging, and when I'm working so hard mopping, vacuuming, and cleaning people's poop off a toilet all I can think is "I went to 4 years of college, and am thousands of dollars in debt for this...really!?"
See? I told you. Bad attitude.
I should be grateful to have something to do, but my sore muscles, flared eczema hands, and tired feet are keeping the grateful deep inside.

I really really really want something else to happen, to be doing something I love and worked so hard to achieve.
It kills me that it's this hard.

I'm so sorry that all you've read here lately is me complaining about not having a job, I really am. I want to be upbeat about it, have a smile on my face and say "oh, it's okay, I'm okay, it's going to be okay.", but that's not how I feel right now. It doesn't feel okay.

I know it will be eventually. Someday we will look back on this time and talk about how hard it was, but how much it taught us. I look forward to that day, and hope it comes sooner than later.

Monday, September 19, 2011

Trusting & Hoping

It's a new week, full of new possibilities.
My plan as of this morning is to try and relax, quit stressing, and trust. 
I'll be making my rounds to the nursing homes in the city to look for work there, and hopefully that will be productive. 

I'm so ready to work, to be a nurse, to help people, and make a difference. 

Here's hoping. 

Saturday, September 17, 2011

I didn't get the job.
I got the call last night at the boys' football game. She said she was sorry, that she would have loved to work with me, and that she's sure I'm going to make a great nurse.
But the other candidate had more experience.
If I got a dollar every time I've heard that I wouldn't even need a job.
It's so frustrating. This feeling of trying so hard and not getting anywhere.
I've been applying for jobs since MARCH and have gotten 2 interviews. TWO.
I'm discouraged, confused, sad, and stressed.
I'm ready to be over those emotions and feel empowered knowing that God is going to provide something. I'm just not quite there yet. Even though I know that, it hurts to not get what I want.

This season will pass, I know.
But right now it feels like I'm going to be stuck here forever.

Thanks for listening and for continuing to pray.

Friday, September 16, 2011


Our sweet little J giving me his best "tough face". At this game they scored 2 touchdowns, something they have never done before. When they scored their first one all the coaches wives went nuts. You would have thought that Drew Brees had just threw the winning touchdown at the super bowl game. They still lost pretty bad, but no one cared. It was amazing.

I took J home and told him we could stop at the store to get a good game, good attitude treat. He chose hot fries (spicy cheetos), and a big shot (famous new orleans fruit flavored soda). 
We went to the first LSU game. It was my first time at a big college football game and it was fun to soak it all in. There were so many people and they were all so excited about their team. LSU killed Northwestern, living up to the stadiums "death valley" nickname. 
I made this delicious soup, a copycat recipe of Olive Garden's Zuppa Toscana. I changed it up some by using chicken sausage (healthier, no preservatives), and cooking it longer for the kale to become softer. It was YUMMY. I think it would have been better with regular italian sausage, but I don't regret the chicken sausage decision. 
I hung out with the little guys at football practice this week. They are 5, way too young to be playing/practicing with our team but they just love to come out and hang out with us/play on my phone. 
Julie sent me this adorable Texas apron. I love it. 
Oh my gosh, these cookies. Oreo cheesecake cookies. I made them for bible study this week, and they were a big hit. I enjoyed making them because I got to snack on oreos the whole time. 

Cutest toothless smile I know. Love this little guy. 
I made a little fall flag banner for our mantle. It was really fun. I made a few mistakes and it has its flaws, but that just means that my Christmas one will be even better! 
 I've decided that when I get a job, the thing I'm going to miss the most is lazy Friday mornings with Andrew. He gets Fridays off since he works on Sunday. He usually sleeps in late, I get up, drink my coffee and plan breakfast. It may be my favorite time of the week. 
Speaking of the job situation, I now know that I am in the top 2 candidates and will hopefully know more today. Thank you for your prayers, they are cherished! 

Have a joyful weekend! 

Monday, September 12, 2011

Encouragement for an anxious girl (me)

Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life, what you will eat or what you will drink, nor about your body, what you will put on. Is not life more than food, and the body more than clothing? Look at the birds of the air: they neither sow nor reap nor gather into barns, and yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not of more value than they? And which of you by being anxious can add a single hour to his span of life? And why are you anxious about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin, yet I tell you, even Solomon in all his glory was nor arrayed like one of these. But if God so clothes the grass of the field, which today is alive and tomorrow is thrown into the oven, will he not much more clothe you, O you of little faith? Therefore do not be anxious, saying, 'What shall we eat?' or 'What shall we drink?' or 'What shall we wear?'...But seek first the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these things will be added to you. Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Sufficient for the day is its own trouble.
Matthew 6:25-43

"For I know the plans I have for you", declares the Lord, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future." 
-Jeremiah 29:11

Friday, September 9, 2011


Because I take so many pictures with my phone every week and use the wonderful little photo app called instagram  I've decided to start sharing these pictures on our blog every friday. I think it will be a fun way to document every day life around here! 

So, this week is kind of a mash up of last week and this week. Mostly because this week has been weird and I haven't taken many pictures and also because I have some gems from last week that I can't go without sharing. 

Starting with this one...
We had a ministry fair at our church last week to show all the ministries we are involved in and allow people to get involved. Miley was helping sitting at our table eating some gumbo and a sucker and fell asleep face first in it. It was so cute.
Picking up one of the boys from school. I love the old school buildings here. They are so pretty. 
Got to facetime with Juju! It was my first time to use it on my phone and I was pretty impressed with technology. Every time I use something new on my phone I'm always amazed at it's capabilities and it makes me feel like I'm 80. 
I busted out Jillian again. I've been feeling super self conscious lately (not good) and decided to do something about it. Well, it lasted for maybe 8 minutes and I was too tired to keep going. Ohhh motivation, I need you. 
I made scrambled egg whites with green peppers and tomatoes one night for dinner. It was SO GOOD. I am not usually one to crave eggs. It's actually one of those foods that I have to be in the right mood for, but Andrew's been wanting omelets for a while so I modified it a bit and really enjoyed it. I also perfected separating eggs. Bonus. 
Football season means we start picking up the boys from school around 4:15 and don't take them home sometimes until 10:30. This makes for hungry, upset, irritated, and eventually angry and uncontrollable children. My solution (which has yet to actually work) is to get food in their bellies. It was PB&J and cheese sticks this week. Our bread disappeared so quickly. 
This was also the day that I had my second interview (which went very well...still waiting to hear back about it). Andrew called me around 5:00 asking for me to go pick up 2 of our boys from school because he was dealing with another one because of a miscommunication. I didn't get out of my interview until around 5:15 and when I tried to call him back to see if I still needed to get them, his phone had died. I drove to the school anyway only to run around an empty school in high-heels and talk to a teacher that was just as confused as I was. I never found the kids, and as it turns out they had gotten released from school at 1:15 on a wednesday. Schools here as so bizarre. 

This morning we enjoyed a free breakfast a chick-fil-a. It was YUM! 

Our weekend plans include lounging, possibly going to a LSU football game, welcoming some friends and their son home from Ethiopia, and having college students over on Sunday evening. 
Busy, but fun. 

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Quirky New Orleans

This city is full of little and big quirks. Our neighborhood is smack dab in the middle of it all so we get to experience quite a few of them. 

One of them is this man who drives around in a truck full of fruit and vegetables with a speaker attached to the top yelling into the microphone what he has. It's usually not understandable and sounds a little bit like a muslim call to prayer. 

Every time I hear him I laugh, and today I thought I would try and capture it for the rest of you, who live in normal places, to see. 

The only thing I understood from that was "I have PEARS". Maybe broccoli was after that? I don't know. before I could get the camera on he did say "I have apples and bananas" very clearly. I really have absolutely NO idea what the last longer thing he said was. I've watched it about 15 times and cannot get it. Let me know if you crack the fruit guy code. 

Someday I'll be quick enough to stop him and buy some fruit. He drives way to fast to give people time to come out of their house and buy something. Fruit man needs to take a lesson from the ice cream man who has mastered lingering and making all other drivers stuck behind him angry.
By the way, I don't live in a prison. Our gate was locked and I didn't have time to unlock it. One more reason fruit guy should drive slower...people in New Orleans have two doors to unlock. 

Monday, September 5, 2011

To Do

My to do list this week consists of: 

-clean bathrooms
-clean kitchen
-change name with loan company

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Well, I can say now that I have lived through a tropical storm. I mean, it's still pouring down rain here so I guess it's not ever yet but it hasn't been as bad as the media made it out to be. I know we're all surprised by that, right?

It ended up being a really lazy, relaxing few days for Andrew and I. I went on a cooking/baking spree which ended in us eating a lot of taco soup, chocolate chip cookies, and banana bread. We watch a lot of Parks and Recreation, Friends, and other various tv and movies.

College football started which means our friday nights consist of me trying to come up with funny things that the players name sound like/rhyme with. 

Job interview went well. I'll hopefully be having a second interview sometime this week. I am READY to have a job. 

Happy labor day everyone! Enjoy not laboring. 

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Check out this article about how smokey our city has been. 
Yesterday after grocery shopping at Target (still living on wedding gift cards...AMAZING), we walked out and I nearly choked. I told Andrew that I have never experienced anything like this before, and he said he hadn't either. 
It is SO smokey. I haven't been out yet today, but I think it's better because I didn't wake up multiple times last night from the horrible smell. 
Pretty Crazy. 
Well friends, I have some exciting news. 
I have a job interview tomorrow afternoon at 1:30. 
The job is for what seems like an amazing assisted living home right outside New Orleans. I'm really excited about the opportunity and thanking the Lord for the answered prayer of an interview. 
We'll see where it leads. 

Thanks to those of you who have joined us in praying. We're grateful. 
Have a happy rest of the week! 


Monday, August 29, 2011

Burnt black-eyed peas

Last week Andrew and I decided that we needed to get away for a couple of days, so we packed our bags and drove home to Texas. Even though we were only there for 3 days, it was such a great trip. We spent time with our family, and Andrew (the ever so patient husband) drove around the state with me to catch up with a few of my friends. It was so good, and although I was sad to leave, the trip brightened my spirit. 

I shamefully didn't take any pictures, but if you just picture mounds of Mexican food and lots of smiles then you'll get a great idea of what our time there looked like. 

This week we are back to business. The universities here have started class, which means Andrew has a few more things on his weekly to do list. The boys' football games have kicked off. I start a women's bible study this week. And I am still searching for a job. 

The job search is more discouraging than ever at this point. I was SURE that when I got my Louisiana license number in the mail I would start hearing back from jobs. That hasn't happened. It still feels stagnant, and it's annoying. I keep going back and forth on the idea of looking for work elsewhere because I did not go to school for 4 years and become thousands of dollars in debt to be a waitress or clean houses. I will do what I have to do, but doing it with a happy and grateful heart may be more difficult that I want it to be. 

On another less complainy note, last night around 4 am (technically this morning, but we were sleeping so I'm not going to count it as morning) Andrew and I both woke up to a strange smell. It smelled like a fire, but not a normal fire. Andrew got up and searched the house. Because our home has proven to not be electrically trustworthy, the smell of smoke makes us freak out a little. When he came back to our room (I was still in bed, working terribly hard analyzing the smell/still sleeping) he said he didn't know where it was coming from. At this point I had decided that it smelled like a huge batch of black-eyed peas had burnt in a crockpot next door. I can't remember if I told him this or not, but It wasn't concerning to me and I went back to sleep. 

Are you wondering why you just read that rant without a conclusion to the story? Don't worry, there is one. And, our neighbor's poor black-eyed peas cooking skills were not to blame. 

There was a marsh fire and the smoke has been spreading all over. It really does smell like burnt black-eyed peas. My non-sleeping self agrees. 

The nose knows. 

Saturday, August 20, 2011

I want a job.
Alright, I got complaining I don't have a job yet out of the way for this post, now we can move onto happier, less annoying things. Like how in 2 days Andrew and I will celebrate 2 months of marriage. Crazy how fast it's gone by. Marriage is such a fun adventure. We're still figuring it all out, and I'm pretty sure I'll be able to say that for at least a few more years. 
Robyn visited us, and we had a wonderful time showing her the city, eating some good food, and introducing her to the kids that we love. We had quite the animal filled couple of days. We went to the aquarium AND the zoo. We met some cute little parakeets that hated the sound of the Natches steamboat blowing its horn. 

My slight fear of birds made me a little wary at first but once I was assured that they are pretty harmless I really enjoyed it. And by really enjoyed it, I mean, I couldn't stop smiling. 

We took some cute little ones to the zoo today. I think they had more fun sitting on the statues than seeing the real animals.

They are so fun. 
I really am loving that we get to hang out with these kids so much and invest in their lives. It's special for us, and hopefully them too. 
Well, tomorrow evening is the fantasy football anyone as excited as I am? Probably not! 

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