Baby C is now the size of a lemon, which honestly doesn't make sense to me because last week the baby was the size of a peach. A peach seems larger than a lemon to me, but what do I know? Either way, little one is about 3.5 inches long, and is working on lengthening its neck and arms this week. The liver and spleen started functioning this week, and lanugo (fine, soft hair) started growing all over baby's body to help regulate body temperature until he/she fattens up a little.
My nausea is gone, yay! I think it might have something to do with my new prenatal vitamin, but it also could be saying goodbye to the first trimester, too. I'm still exhausted by the end of the day, and usually wishing I could nap sometime around lunch. I've talked to a few other soon to be mommas, and they told me this went away around 20 weeks for them. I've got my fingers crossed for that, because being so tired makes everything else so hard. My belly has been getting sore if I sit or lay in a position too long. Lately I've felt like I did one too many push-ups (which is kind of humorous considering the lack of exercise I have done lately). My muscles are stretching to prepare for the growth spurts that are to crazy!
I keep thinking that I'm feeling fluttering, but every time I do, I talk myself out of it. It seems to happen a lot in the morning when I'm in the shower, so maybe it's not a coincidence. It's fun to think that it's the baby squirming, but I'm also ready for movements that I know without a doubt is the baby. We know from our last OB appointment that we've got a busy one on our hands, so I wouldn't be surprised if I felt it move early.
People keep asking me about cravings, and I really haven't had any, except I always want to drink a ton of water at night, which is the worst possible time to drink water. I've been getting up at least twice a night to go pee thanks to this new craving. Can I even call wanting to drink water a craving? It's the least fun craving ever! I did have Andrew buy a huge jar of pickles when he went to Sam's a few weeks ago, but I've always been a pickle lover (I used to DRINK pickle juice by choice as a child), so I'm not counting that as a pregnancy induced craving.
And now for this week's picture, which went wrong on so many levels. For one it was taken around 10pm in my pjs, my hair is cra cra, and my pupils are looking freaky(I guess because of the flash), and it's just not the most attractive picture I've ever seen, but without further adieu, here's the bump.
If you read all of that, you are either a true friend, or have way too much time on your hands.
Thank you for caring about us and our sweet little nugget.