Two sweet months with this precious girl! Time flies when you're having fun. I think we're starting to fall into a bit of a groove with have two little ones. We have moments at our house where Andrew and I look at each other with looks that say "OMG. SAVE me from this madness!", but there are less of those moments lately. Lucy is such a sweetie. She's smiley and talkative (as these pictures show!)...I'm honestly not sure what we're going to do when we have two little girls constantly talking our ears off. Earplugs?
Lucy got into a great sleeping groove this month. In fact, she's had a few nights of 7-8 consecutive hours of sleep. Most nights we get about 6 hours, and I cannot complain about that! She is still going to bed around 10, which I would like to bump back eventually. The night that I tried though, she woke up several times, so I've decided to not mess with it right now.
Her little personality really has emerged this month too. She's smiling, cooing, and kicking like crazy. She's gained lots of head control this month as well and is not quite as wobbly. She gets very upset when she's tired, and when in the carseat, but other than that she's a happy little girl. So thankful for a happy baby!
I started a new job last week (for another post!), so Lucy started daycare. She started about 3 weeks earlier than Ruby did as a baby, and it was just as hard, if not harder, to leave her. She's been doing great though, and (by no surprise) everyone is in love with her. She gets lots of attention and love during the day and is well taken care of. I couldn't ask for anything better.
Health wise, we haven't had the best of luck. Just like Ruby, this girl has got some crappy ears. She got her first ear infection at 6 weeks, and just today got diagnosed with two infected tear ducts. She's handled both things like a champ though, smiling through it all.
Lucy is 11lbs and 23 inches long. She is wearing 0-3 month and 3 month clothes and size 1 diapers. The child loves to eat. She's eating every 2 hours during the day, and getting chunkier by the moment. I love fat baby thighs. Nothing better.
Favorite things: Mama, eating, smiling, cooing, being carried in the ergo or sling, kicking the toys on her bouncer seat, and TV (I know, I know. It's really quite sad that my two month old likes TV, but she really keeps her quite entertained).
Least favorite things: Car seat, being tired, not being held at all times, tummy time, and cold milk.
Best moment of the month: We had a blast visiting Texas and introducing Lucy to family and friends. Ruby got spoiled beyond belief for her birthday, and Lucy got lots of cuddles with the people who love her from afar.
My Lulu,
You are such a joy! Life has changed a lot in these past two months with you in it, but we wouldn't trade it for anything. Your precious smile, bright blue eyes, and sweet coos bring so much happiness into our family.
You are incredibly loved and cherished, Lucy.