Monday, October 8, 2012


Ruby LOVES bathtime. We only bathe her about once a week, but I think we might start doing it more often because she loves it so much. I don't know if it's coincidental or not but she slept really well after her bath last night too, so that's another great reason to up the number of baths per week. 6 hours.... hallelujah! She woke up once and fussed for a few minutes and I thought she wanted to eat, but I just gave her the pacifier and she was out cold again. Hoping and praying that the sleeping trend continues...maybe she'll sleep 7 hours tonight!! 

Enjoy some adorable pictures of our little bathing beauty. 
"Hey dad! This is FUN!"

"A little to the right, mom." 

"ahhhh! it's cold! put me back!"

1 comment:

  1. Ooooooh, best belly award goes to Ruby! I love it so much!!


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