I know I'm her mom and I'm supposed to think that, but its true.
Ruby can totally walk now. Does she? Heck no. She still prefers to be carried, or crawling. She recently has really started loving walking as long as she has one of my fingers to hold onto. I really don't mind that she is taking it slow on the walking front, besides the fact that she's heavy, and demanding about what direction she wishes to be going in. I think once more kids in her class start walking, she'll want to keep up and do it more often.
Like I said, this girl has quite the personality, and with lots of personality comes lots of EMOTIONS. Oh the drama! She can go from smiling, clapping, and having a grand ole time to head on the floor screaming like her leg was just cut off in seconds. She has started putting her hands over her mouth when she laughs/cries/thinks something is funny/is surprised and it is just the cutest most dramatic thing ever. Lets just say, Ruby knows what she wants, and she makes her needs and wants very clear...
We finally had a month of NO doctors appointments! She still has a consistently snotty nose every morning, but I think she just has terrible allergies like her mama (sorry, baby!). This has been our healthiest month so far (since last December). I'm hoping this is a trend.
We still have a great sleeper on our hands! Thank goodness. She goes so hard during the day that her little body needs all the rest it can get. We've had to change our nighttime routine a little bit because Ruby no longer likes to nurse to sleep (kind of sad...). She will nurse and then want to play for a little while. She has kind of stopped showing her normal sleepy signs when she's all wrapped up in playing before bed, so we usually have to cut her off around 8-8:30. Daddy takes her to her crib where she will now lay down by herself, let out a few little cries and fall asleep on her own. She usually sleeps until around 7:30.
Speaking of playing, Ruby LOVES to play! She is go, go, go when we are outside (hence the lack of pictures on her quilt this month...and the ones I did get are WAY over exposed...). She really loves to play up in the little play house in the back yard. She watches the boys and Banjo run around and screams and laughs at them. It's adorable. I think she kind of feels like queen of the world up there.
Other cute things Ruby has added to her repertoire this month? Her cheese face. Oh, it's so darn cute. She squints her eyes and gets the biggest grin. It's destined to make you swoon if you should meet it. She has also started to fake closing her eyes during prayer. She will squint her eyes as tight as she can while still keeping a tiny slit to see out of while we pray. She looks around, tilting her head in every direction possible to get the best view out of her tiny eye slits. Hilarious. She has mastered the dance moves to the song "My God is So Big", and she does them with such passion and enthusiasm. She still gives amazing hugs and kisses, and is very generous with them. She also still loves to blow raspberries on my belly. Andrew and I cannot get over how much she makes us laugh. It's the best.
Ruby's 14 Month Favorite Things:
-Bananas. So. Many. "nanas"
-Bath time
-Playing outside
-Laughing at Banjo
-Kisses and hugs
-Eating dog food
-Dancing, singing, being cute
-Pointing at everything
-Taking her shoes and socks off
-"blowing" her nose. She makes a fart sound with her lips when you hold a tissue up to her nose. So cute.
Ruby's 14 Month Not-So-Favorite Things:
-Wearing shoes or socks
-Being told "no"
-Falling down when trying to walk (instant meltdown every time)
-Sharing...need to work on this.
-Not having everyone's undivided attention
-Meat. My little vegetarian.
-Getting in the car seat.
My Girl,
Your sweet, spunky, quirky personality melts me. I love how at only 14 months old you are already so full of passionate opinions about how things should be. Some may call it trouble, or hard headed, but I think it's great. You're becoming your own person. A wonderful, silly, creative little person that is so full of life. I am so proud of that. I don't think it's anything your dad and I have done, or haven't done, I think it's all you. I love that. I am so thankful for you, sweet girl. Your hugs, slobbery kisses, and sweet raspy voice can turn a horrible day into a great one. I know God is going to use you in a mighty way, and I'm so happy that we get a front row seat to watch it all unfold.
You're loved. So very much.