Monday, December 1, 2014

Lucy -- Five Months

This little one is growing and changing way too fast for me. I should be expecting this, since I've experienced how fast this time flies by with Ruby, but it still takes me by surprise.

Lucy is still such a little love bug. She's a cuddly little thing, and is always happy to be in someones arms. She rarely gets put down because of that. She's happy, laid back, and gives the best gummy grins.

No real health issues this month, praise the Lord! She has been ear infection free for 2 months now, and we're all crossing our fingers that they are gone for good and she doesn't have to get tubes like Ruby did.

Lucy is still on about the same sleep routine that she was last month. She'll go to bed around 8 or so, and usually wakes up once or twice to eat at night. I switched over to working nights this past month, so that has been an adjustment for all of us. She's a smart little stinker though and totally knows when I'm not there because generally sleeps SO much better for Andrew than she will for me. The bottle clearly is not her top choice of milk consumption. She almost always just wakes up once for Andrew, and when I'm home is almost always at least twice, if not more. The child does not nap either. It's pretty much impossible to accomplish anything with her nap "schedule". We're lucky if she takes a 20 minute nap. Oh well. Hopefully she'll figure it out eventually because naptime is a sacred time around here.

She's still a great eater! LOVES to eat, actually. She's definitely getting close to being ready to eat solids. She follows food that we're eating so closely with her eyes, and is constantly trying to grab our plates and throw them off the table. I offered her a banana the other day to play with and she sucked on it so hard, and loved playing with it. However, the next day she woke up with a horrible rash around her face. Unfortunately, I had just decided to try a new detergent as well, so I'm really not sure what caused it. I think we'll hold of on trying any more foods for another month or so, and reintroduce it then.

She's weighing in at a whopping 17lbs, and is 25.5 inches long. In 3-6 month and 6 month clothes with some random 9 month onesies thrown in the mix. She's got the most squishy tummy and legs, and I'm going to go into mourning when both of my girls don't have fat baby legs and belly to kiss and squeeze.

As far as milestones go, she started sitting up about two weeks prior to her 5 month birthday. She's still a little wobbly and bites the dust at times, but she really enjoyed this new found view of the world. She's rolling a bunch, and doing much better at tummy time, I know that I'm going to blink and I'll have two mobile little ones in the house. I can imagine the madness that it will be.

Lucy's favorite things:
-Ruby. She LOVES to watch her sister play. She also is slightly nervous when she gets too close, but who can blame her, two year olds are dangerous little creatures.
-Mama and daddy. She lights up when she sees either of us. Melts your heart.
-Banjo. He makes her smile. She makes him angry with her hair pulling tendencies.
-Pacifier. Life saver.
-Snuggling. Being held all day.
-Riding in the car. PTL.
-Chewing on her toes, and anything she can get in her mouth.

Lucy's least favorite things:
-Being put down.
-I can't think of anything else, which reminds me how lucky we are...such a sweet, laid back baby!

Lucy girl,

Our sweet baby, you make us so happy and bring so much joy into our lives. You're beautiful, content, and such a love bug. We feel so lucky to be your parents. Watching you grow is a privilege and a blessing. We love you so much, baby girl!

Lucy -- Four Months

Lucy is already 5 months old, so I figured I should get this up before she turns 6 months old next week. Oops!

She's a gem. We couldn't be anymore lucky with this sweet, laid back, content little girl. With a very high energy, rambunctious, CRAZY big sister, it's such a blessing to have a chill baby that's happy to just chill in someone's arms amidst the crazy.

This sweet baby's personality is really starting to come out. She is such a happy girl. She's just much more serious and reserved that Ruby has ever been. She smiles ALL THE TIME, but has yet to let out any big belly laughs, mostly just tiny chuckles and this funny laugh that sounds like she's holding it all in. I have to constantly remind myself that she and Rubes are DIFFERENT people. I don't know why I keep expecting Lucy to do the same things Ruby was doing at this age, they are not the same baby. Silly me. Lucy is her own wonderful person, and we are loving getting to know her sweet little self. 

We had a couple REALLY rough nights of sleep (or lack there of) this month, but it seems as though she's finally gotten in a groove with a bedtime now. Up until this point she's been staying up late with mama and daddy (until around 11 or so), but now she's going to bed around 8 or 8:30. She's still waking up several times a night to nurse. Baby girl loves to eat. Which brings me to my next topic...

FOOD. Lucy's favorite thing ever. I think she would nurse all day if I let her. She's up to 16lbs and 25 inches this month. She's outgrown all of her 3 month clothes and moved onto 6 month. Growing so, so fast! When she's home with mama she like to eat every 2-3 hours still, but when she's at daycare she usually eats 4-5oz every 4 hours. I've thankfully been able to keep up with pumping and have a little bit of a freezer stash to fall back on should anything happen. I feel so lucky to be able to still provide my baby with my milk even when we can't be together. As much as I dislike pumping, it's so worth it!

Favorite things: Mama & Daddy,  milk, playing with toys that make noise, watching Ruby and Banjo, riding in the car. 

Least favorite things: Being left alone in a room for longer than ONE second, not being held. 

Beautiful girl, 
You are so special to us. These last 4 months with you have been such a great gift. We love how wonderfully different you are than your sister. You're wonderful, and perfect, and we couldn't love you more! 

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