Friday, June 29, 2012


I haven't done one of these posts in a while, but Sarah inspired me to jump back on the insta-friday train. CHOO-CHOO!! (Can you tell I've been watching too much So You Think You Can Dance?)

Banjo has a new favorite place to perch/sleep. Funny pup. 
We assembled and painted Ruby's crib this week. We found it at a garage sale a couple weeks ago for $30 and it is exactly what I was wanting! (Banjo helped by chewing on the sanding block...we were hoping it would dull his needle-teeth. It didn't work). 

The finished product! Love the color, it's so bright and cheery. 
Banjo and I were VERY hot at the boys' baseball game this week. I regretted going about 15 minutes into the ordeal.   Pregnancy and the New Orleans heat do not mix. 

Speaking of pregnant...HELLO BABY! I'm rounding out quite well as you can see. 32 weeks down. We're getting so close to meeting our girly. 
Pondering who Ruby will look like. Can't wait to see!  
After the vet this morning. Poor boy was pooped. It's hard being Banjo. 
It was a fun week!
You can follow me on Instagram: @allyecrosby


Sunday, June 24, 2012

First Anniversary

It has been one year (and two days) since Andrew and I were on a sailboat off the coast of Hawaii saying "I do" and committing to love each other forever and ever.

One year later, I can say that we love each other more than we did then, and that love just keeps growing and growing. I would have told you a year ago in my pre-wedding bliss that there is no way I could possibly love Andrew more, but somehow, that love has grown abundantly over the course of the year.  
Our life has taken some unexpected turns this year, and we are no where near where I thought we would be a year ago, and it's beautiful. It's beautiful because we know who orchestrates our stories, and we trust in the promise that it will be good and perfect. I'm so looking forward to seeing how the next year unfolds for our family. 

I decided to copy one of my long time bffs Monica in documenting our family every year at our anniversary to see how we grow and change. While our photos aren't nearly as great as Monica's (she's the talent behind the lens in our wedding photos too, by the way), I know it is something that we will cherish for a very long time. I hope Ruby can look back on these pictures and have fun seeing our family as we awaited her arrival. 

And, some out takes. I can't imagine what next year's photos are going to be like if we can barely manage ourselves and a dog. 

For our anniversary date, Andrew took me to the circus. It was so much fun! A while back, I was driving by the New Orleans Arena and I saw the advertisement for the circus. When I realized the dates were perfect for our anniversary I mentioned it to Andrew, and being the wonderful husband he is, he obliged and bought us tickets. We had a great time on our non-traditional first anniversary date. 

The elephants were both of our favorites  
Since seeing this Russian guy train tigers, Andrew has taken up speaking to Banjo in a Russian accent when trying to get him to obey.  

So pretty 

I am so grateful for such a wonderful husband. Sometimes when we're together, just sitting in quiet, I look at him and wonder how and why God decided to bless me so abundantly. I am overcome by the amount of love that I feel for him, and I'm so happy to get to spend my life with such a special person. 

Here's to many more years, babe. I love you! 

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Ready for her close up

I mentioned in the Father's Day post that we got to see our girl last week. It was SO fun. I am amazed at how clearly we could see her sweet little features and movements. She slept 95% of the time, but we did get to see her sucking on the umbilical cord at the very beginning of the ultrasound. The ultrasound tech kept trying to get her to wake up, but she wasn't having it. She's definitely a cuddle-bug. She was cuddling with her hands and umbilical cord the entire time. It was so sweet! It definitely made me want to meet her even more!!

I think my favorite part was seeing her yawn SUUUPER big (picture 1) and then pucker her lips up right after her big yawn (picture 2) like "ohhh man, life is GOOD!"
SO tired
"hi mom and dad...can't wait to kiss ya!" 
Love those chubby fingers and plump little lips!  
I love her
Hand cuddling 
Tiny little foot! 
It was such an amazing experience. I can't wait to see that beautiful little face in person.
9 weeks and counting!

Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Sweet Ruby, 

Today we celebrated your dad's first fathers day, although I know that next fathers day will be much more of a celebration for him, and us as a family. Even though you two haven't met yet, your bond and connection is already a special one. You're never more stubborn than when your dad puts his hand on my belly to feel you move and kick. You like to hear his voice though, and when he talks to you, you usually roll around. When we got to see you at our ultrasound on Friday, seeing your dad's face light up with absolute delight just about melted my heart. You already have him wrapped around your chubby little fingers, and I cannot wait to see you two together. 

Ruby, you and I are two lucky girls who have been blessed with a man who loves us so well. He has such a servant heart and takes such good care of me (us!). He is so smart, funny, sweet, genuine, hardworking, loyal...(the adjectives could continue for days). He learned from his wonderful dad (your Dano) how to love his family with a Godly love that brings glory to the Lord. It's easy to translate the love our heavenly father has for us into something tangible when you look at the admiration and love that your dad has for his dad. I can't wait to see that with you two. 

I feel so good bringing you into the world knowing that you'll have a daddy like your dad. You'll see what I'm talking about in just a couple months. 

We love you darling girl. I can't wait to hold you in my arms, but even more so, I can't wait to see you in your dad's arms. I have a feeling you're going to love being in them.

Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Week 30

Hi! We're all alive and well over here. Just took a brief blogging hiatus for no good reason at all other than the fact that we've been trying to get settled into our new home, and I've been exceptionally lazy after work.

We've hit the 30 week mark and I feel like it's a significant milestone. While I realize 10 weeks is kind of a long time, it seems like we are in the final stretch here! I'm growing more and more every day, and also more and more uncomfortable every day. I've found that if I walk a lot (which I do every day), my body has started telling me around 2:30 or 3:00 that I need to slow down and sit down. I oblige most of the time. I can tell Ruby is growing big and strong. Her kicks are extremely hard, and when she rolls it changes the shape of my belly. She's always liked to lay low in my belly, but recently she's been stretching up into my ribs (I guess because she's running out of room in there and has no where else to stretch!). It can get quite uncomfortable to have a little human pressing into your ribs, but she usually responds to gentle correction, and gets cozy some other place. I'm going to see my doctor every 2 weeks at this point which can get quite monotonous. Getting to hear her fast little heartbeat never gets old though. 

We've added a new member to our family since the last time I updated the blog. His name is Banjo, and he's just the cutest little puppy you ever did see. We adopted him from a local animal rescue that got him and his 3 brothers from a shelter that found them in a box on the side of the road. He's a little survivor, and he has the spunk to prove it. We're pretty in love with him, and he's quite fond of us too. Strangely, having him has made me feel so much more ready and excited to have Ruby here. I guess it's experiencing nurturing and being dedicated to something that has made me realize how great it is to love on our girl. I can't even imagine the magnitude of love that I'm going to have for her if I can love a little puppy so much. 

See? I told you he was adorable. I'm excited for him and Ruby to grow up together. I'm sure they will make great friends, and a darling pair. 

Now for the 30 week pictures. Be prepared to be shocked at how round I'm getting! Ruby is strutting her stuff these days. This shirt looked quite different on me a year ago when we bought it in Hawaii...

10 more weeks! I guess it's time we start working on her room... 
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