Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Week 36

I think I've hit the point in pregnancy where I'm SO close to meeting my baby and SO ready (mostly just physically...not so much mentally) that every day just seems to drag by SO very slow. I'm pretty much uncomfortable at all times, and feel about as huge as a house. I'm pretty sure Ruby struggles to get comfortable at times also. There are times where she'll move around back and forth like she's trying to find a position that feels good to her. Her elbows, heels, knees, and feet are my least favorite body parts to feel...they are sharp! Even though her moves hurt me at times, I still cherish getting to feel every move she makes and I'm sure I'll be a little sad when I don't get to feel her inside of me anymore.

The nursery is coming together! All that's lacking now are some curtains (I think I finally found the ones I want), bedding, and hanging up all of the decorations. I can't wait to finish and show you. It's adorable and I'm going to love bringing her home to her sweet little space made just for her.

At a little over 1 week away from being full term, Ruby could get here any day and I really cannot wait. Developmentally, she's ready! At this point she's just packing on the pounds with extra chub (the better for mama to squeeze and kiss!). I can't wait to see her face, cuddle her close, and kiss her sweet cheeks. We'll go to see my doctor the middle of next week and she'll check me for the first time to see what Ruby's position is and if she's getting close to making an appearance.

Here's a picture from earlier this week. She and I are getting bigger by the day!

Here's to spicy food, lots of walking, and trying to convince my child to come visit mom and dad a little early.

Much love. 

1 comment:

  1. you are too cute!

    but like everyone told me... a good way to get her out is to do what got her there in the first place! ;)

    leave it to a crosby to give you that advice ;)

    love you!!


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