Saturday, July 14, 2012


After not being able to use my computer for a little over a week because a sweet little mischievous puppy named Banjo decided to chew my computer charger in half, I'm baaaaack! 
Time is flying by! We're down to 5 weeks til Ruby, and every day I am growing more and more ready to have her in my arms. We have our shower here next weekend, and I plan on going into full blown nesting mode afterwards to get ready for her. I cannot wait. I'm feeling really big, a little bit like my belly is stretched to capacity (I realize it's not). Getting up and down isn't as easy anymore, and I'm getting tired quickly during the day at work. Ruby is active as ever, rolling, turning, and kicking when she can find the space. My doc says she's still on the small side of normal. I would be completely content if she decides to remain that way considering she has to come out of me one way or another. I know of 2 people who were due around the same time as me that have had their babies this week. It has made it so real for me that she'll be here soon. I can't wait to see my sweet girl. 

Here's my contribution to insta-friday (saturday edition). Basically a bunch of pictures of Banjo being lazy and adorable. Enjoy. 
34 weeks. Banjo continues to be bored with taking pictures with me. His face cracks me up.  Can you believe how much he has grown in a month?? 
Sweet Banjo cuddles 
Mid-morning snack at work. I pretty much eat all day long these days. 
He's so cute. Seriously can't get enough of that face.  
My doctor's office. Lots and lots of babies. 
Out cold.
Out cold x2. At Andrew's softball game. 
Garage sale finds for Ruby girl. 
Some adorable decorations we made for Ruby's room.  
"Hey girl...can I get yo numba?"
This next week should be fun! Andrew's mom and aunt are coming in town for our shower on Thursday. We're excited to have them in town! Hope y'all have a wonderful week!


  1. so cute! Isn't it funny when people who were due around the same time start having their babies... it was definitely more real when I started thinking "I'm next!" Cannot wait to see that sweet Ruby girl! She is going to be such a cutie! and I am not normally a dog person but OH MY! That is ONE CUTE DOG!!!!! I am dying from Banjo's cuteness!

  2. I just can't get over how cute Banjo is! I love the sleeping pictures. And you are looking great! It's crazy how little time we have left. Our girls will be here soon!!

  3. Allye, you still look tiny and adorable! I can't believe you are so close. Ruby's going to have a super sweet room, judging by your handmade decorations, not to mention a freakishly cute BFF in Banjo. What a lucky tiny gal! Love you!


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