Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Our first "baby"

Banjo has been great with Ruby. With some correction to "be gentle" he has learned that she's fragile and he can't nibble her hands or jump on her. He loves to give her kisses and he's been super cuddly with us while I nurse her. He's been my little shadow during the day. If I go back to Ruby's room to change her diaper he'll follow me in there and then lay under her crib and rest until I'm done, and then follow me wherever we're going next.
I think he has been a little jealous, though. When one of our friends is over and holding Ruby, he is quickly in my lap asking for attention. He doesn't like to be outside by himself anymore, and has started digging holes in our backyard. He has also started barking a lot (he used to NEVER bark, except for when we tormented him for fun), I'm not sure if he's feeling a new sense of needing to protect us, but he barks at every little noise outside...strange.

His latest attention seeking antic was by far the best and most hilarious:

We were sitting in the living room watching some tv sometime last week and he walked in, sat down, and just stared at us with the binky in his mouth just as it should go. He wasn't chewing on it at all, just holding it there. Andrew and I LOST IT. I'm pretty sure he was thinking "this is NOT the reaction I was hoping for..." It was SO funny. 
I love watching how even a dog can sense such a big life change, and watching how if affects him is so interesting. I'm glad he's such a sweet pup, and I know him and Ruby will be best friends before we know it. I can just see he a few months down the road throwing him food from her highchair. We have lots of fun times ahead of us. 

Now I've got to go feed Banjo a bottle and swaddle him for his nap...

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