The love of our lives is TWO months old! I will say it again (and probably every month from here on out), how in the world does time fly by so very quickly?
Although it's definitely a little bittersweet to see her getting so big, Ruby is getting more and more fun every day. She is FULL of personality. This girl loves to smile and talk. I love having "conversations" with her. I'll say something and she will say "ah-goo" "coo" back. It's pretty heart-meltingly sweet.
We had her two month doctor appointment last Friday. She is a whopping 11 pounds 4 oz, and 22 inches long. That puts her in the 60th percentile for weight and 50th percentile for height. Our chunky little chick.
I did mention to the doctor that I had noticed she favors the right side of her head. She always sleeps, plays, and prefers laying on the right side of her head. I had tried to encourage her to look the other way by putting toys on her left side, or laying on the ground beside her, but she wouldn't budge. After examining her he said that she had what is called "torticollis". It's basically a shortening and tightening of the neck muscles on one side. He taught us how to do exercises for her neck and said it should improve if we do them 3-4 times a day. If it has not improved by her 4 month appointment we will have to get her some physical therapy.
Although this is something that can be fixed with time, it's still a little scary and sad for her to get "diagnosed" with something wrong with her. I know there are much worse things that could happen, and I am so grateful for our healthy girl, but as a mama you just want everything to be wonderful and easy for your little love. The exercises hurt her and it makes me so sad to have to do them with her 4 times a day. Knowing that it's helping her does make it easier, but hearing your baby cry is never easy. I cannot wait for her to get better!
The two month vaccines threw a big ole wrench into what little schedule we did have. She handled the shots like a champ while we were in the doctor's office and fell asleep right after. However, after a verrrrry long 5 hour nap (she missed a meal, which this child NEVER does) she woke up on the wrong side of the bassinet. She was genuinely PISSED about the fact that we let that mean nurse stab her and didn't get over it for about 2 and a half days. She cried more in those two days than she has cried in her entire life. It was miserable (for her and us). I'm already dreading those 4 month shots.
The whole shot debacle did teach me how thankful I am for my happy baby. She is most always content and sweet, only crying when she is hungry, tired, or angry about how fast (or slow) the milk is coming out of the boob. Pretty easy to please and I'm pleased about that.
We moved from newborn diapers to size one about two weeks ago. We have a few boxes of size ones that were given to us and it has been so refreshing not to have to buy diapers for a couple of weeks. I've packed up most of her newborn clothes (tear). She still fits into 4 of her cute little newborn outfits so I'm hanging onto those for a while and putting them on her as many times as possible. I never thought packing away her tiny little outfits would be so sad...I got attached to her teeny clothes. However, we have lots of cute bigger clothes on the horizon so that helps! :)
We have a little bit more consistent sleep schedule than we had last month. Like I mentioned before, the shots royally messed up the sleep schedule we did have for about 3 nights, but things have pretty much returned to normal now. What is normal exactly? Well, around 8:30-9:00 we bathe her in warm water (we only actually wash her every 3-4 nights to keep her skin from drying out) because she absolutely LOVES getting in the bath, after her bath she gets all lotioned up and we put on her jams. She usually takes a little cat nap and wakes up to eat again around 10:30-11:00. I feed her one more time, swaddle, and put her to bed (and hopefully go to bed myself). She usually sleeps until around 3:30am, which is pretty good. I of course wouldn't mind if she decided to extend that a few hours. After her 3 o'clock feeding she usually sleeps until 6:30-7:00 and Andrew usually feeds her a bottle at this time and lets me sleep. I'm going to have to change some things about her schedule before I go back to work. I'm hoping to get her to go down for her long stretch a little sooner, and hopefully she will start extending that stretch even longer. We'll see. Either way, waking up isn't all too bad when I lean over her bassinet and catch some of the biggest, happiest grins possible (like above photos).
Her hair is growing more, except it's all mostly in the back :). She has an adorable, thick hair swirl going on back there and it makes me smile so big. It gets super tight and curled up after her hair gets washed and I absolutely love it. I am looking forward for her hair to start growing more in the front so we can play with clips and bows, but for now I'm definitely enjoying this funky hairdo that she has.
It is amazing how much she continues to change in such short amounts of time. Looking back at month one makes my jaw drop at how much she has grown and developed. It's such a fun journey!
My sweet Ruby,
You beautiful soul, you. I love seeing you grow and shine. Your smile brightens the world and I know it's never going to stop doing so. You light up our lives with joy and happiness. This month has had its challenges (shots, your neck diagnosis), but it just showed dad and I how much we love you and want to protect you from any pain and sadness. I know that's impossible and I'll maybe come to terms with that eventually, but either way, we will always hold your hand through it all. Your dad and I love you so much and are so glad you came into our lives and changed them for the better two months ago. You are so beautifully, wonderfully you and I can't wait to see you continue to grow into yourself.
We love you so much, sweetheart.
<3 it! I bet your little girl will grow out of that muscle thing soon. We had a vaguely similar incident with Cason. A couple months ago I noticed he always kept his right foot turned out so I brought it up to the doctor and she sent us to an Orthodontist. It was kinda scary! They did x-rays and looked, and debated and decided it was a muscle thing. We had to do exercises too and it got better within 2-3 months! So I bet it will work out soon! Yay for happy growing baby!