Sunday, October 9, 2011

New Things: job, perspectives, etc.

It has been a whirlwind experience, this new job of mine.
I have enjoyed pretty much every minute of it. Even the parts that are challenging and tiring. I think I can say that the only thing I genuinely didn't enjoy was my decision to wear heels on my first day. My feet were KILLING me.
I already have the feeling that I'm making a difference in people's lives. That's why I chose this profession, and I feel so blessed that I'm getting to feel this way.
I have great flexibility in my day, getting to go visit residents in hospitals, potential future residents at their homes, and then running around the community for the rest of the day solving problems and talking to residents about their grandchildren and medications. If I allowed myself, I could stay there every day until at least 9pm and still not have everything that I initially wanted to accomplish in the day done. It's okay though, because it's teaching me flexibility and the importance of priorities.
My co-workers are so great. They have welcomed me with open arms into this 'family' of theirs, and have been nothing but helpful and encouraging.
I'm very blessed.

Andrew has been sick, and still is. Despite my constant nagging for him to go to the doctor he still hasn't. I asked him the other day if this was going to be something we argued about for the rest of our lives. He said yes. I sighed and agreed to disagree, and then began plotting ways to secretly make him a doctors appointment and somehow get him to go. No luck thus far. I'll keep you updated. :)

We spent Friday night walking around the French Quarter with friends, eating at one of our favorite little Italian restaurants, listening to the boys talk about football teams, while us girls planned a day for us to go shopping at all the fun little shops downtown. We came back to our place and sat in our backyard looking at the stars, talking about things shallow and deep, while shushing each other to listen to the occasional clip-clop of horses coming down our street on their way home from a long day pulling carriages of tourists around the Quarter.

Our life here is starting to feel normal. Not only normal, but really sweet and wonderful. I've gotten to the point where moving back to Texas doesn't feel like my first choice anymore. New Orleans is starting to get in my blood like everyone promised it would. I'm starting to love this quirky city we call home, and am definitely not as home sick for Texas as I was just a few short months ago.

Uncle David preached about dreams today at church and it got me thinking about my dreams, our dreams. I have been working on my Life List recently (a list of things I want to do/accomplish in my life), and his sermon really stirred up the desire in me to live out the dreams God has placed in me. Hopefully I can share the list soon. It's fun. Full of big dreams, and little dreams alike.

It's fun to dream, isn't it?

Have a dreamy week.

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