Saturday, May 19, 2012

Weeks 24-26

I haven't done a pregnancy post in almost 3 weeks! Oops. It's been a fun, hectic time around these parts, and it's only about to get more hectic and fun.

Ruby is growing a ton. Her hobbies include kicking me, punching me, waking me up in the middle of the night with her hiccups and somersaults, and showing off for her daddy before bed. She's a busy little girl, always moving. I'm thinking she must move in her sleep, because she is almost constantly doing something...except when people want to feel her, she gets a little shy most of the time.

She's almost a whopping 2 pounds, and around 14 inches! If she were born today, she would have a really great chance of survival, with medical assistance.
Time is flying by, and I know it wont be long until we get to hold our sweet girl. Every time I see a baby I think about how we will have one soon, and she will be ours. It's a little scary and overwhelming at times, but also amazing and exciting. I can't wait to welcome her into the world, and our lives.

Here are a few pictures from the last few weeks.
I didn't take any specific belly shots, so this is the best there is...
24 weeks, Jazz Fest watching the Foo Fighters
Ruby had her first Jazz Fest experience. She loved dancing to the Foo Fighters, especially when I got tired and relaxed on the grass. It seems like her favorite time to move is when I'm relaxing. It was a hot, fun day. I don't think we'll be taking Ruby to Jazz Fest again for a few more years, so I hope she enjoyed it while she could. I just can't imagine lugging a baby around in the heat with thousands of other people around. Who knows, maybe we'll get adventurous...or just get a babysitter.

25 weeks, Auntie C meeting Ruby at the farm in Texas
We had a great time in Texas celebrating Julie's graduation, Dani Beth's birthday, and Mother's Day. It was so fun to see family, friends, and eat food that my pregnant self has been craving like crazy.

26 weeks, Ruby riding in the car 
We're getting ready to move. My least favorite thing in the world to do! I've moved SO much in the past 6 years, at least 1 time per year, it's just gotten old. Packing is not fun, I tend to get stressed out and overwhelmed way too easily, which makes me a really fun person to live with I'm sure. I'm excited about the move, it is going to fit our family so much better, but there are always mixed emotions with change. We're going to miss living in the city so close to everything, but I know we will love our new house so much more. I can't wait to get in and set everything up...I feel like I will go into full blown nesting mode once we move in.

We're down to the double digits until Ruby's due date! 98 days until she's scheduled to arrive. I have this strange intuition feeling that she'll be coming a little early, but it could go either way, we'll just have to wait and see. Either way, it's getting close!! 

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