Friday, August 10, 2012

She's coming...

...sometime soon!

Our appointment on Wednesday was an exciting one! The doc said that Ruby turned and is now head down and engaged (I figured so with all the pressure I've been feeling), I'm 1.5 cm dilated and 75% effaced. Things are happening and she is on her way into the world! I guess Andrew and I just figured she would be stubborn and stay put for a while longer, because when the doctor walked out of the room we both just sat there staring at each other like "oh my gosh, this is really going to happen". It could be today, or a week from now. I'm pretty excited, nervous, and anxious about labor. I know the end result no matter how it all happens will be having my sweet baby in my arms, so that makes it easy to get SO excited. However, it's still pretty scary. I've been reading like crazy since Wednesday about relaxation techniques, breathing exercises, and other ways to help me get through a natural childbirth. I feel a bit unprepared since Andrew and I didn't take any classes, but I just keep telling myself that women have done this for centuries without drugs, classes, and google at their fingertips. I've been encouraged by several friends who have done it, and feel confident about my decision to give it a try.

Since it is Friday, and I'm blogging already I might as well share my instagram pictures from the week! I haven't been doing a very good job at remembering insta-friday!

Enjoying his last day as a "man".
The day after his surgery. Poor boy was sad. 
Part of Ruby's adorable room. I can't wait to share more when it's finished! 
My sweet co-workers threw me a surprise shower at work! SO sweet. 
Meghan and Christi visited from Texas. We had a great time showing them our favorite NOLA spots. 
Pooped from a day playing volleyball out in the heat. 
I had to go to Baton Rouge for work this last week. The best part? Chipotle! 
Our bad little puppy chewed yet another one of my apple products.  He hasn't chewed any other things in this house except 2 computer chargers and my phone charger. Ridiculous. 
Found these adorable little shoes at a thrift store for 95 cents this week! So excited about dressing Ruby in them. 
How crazy it is that this might be my last blog post before we're parents?! Pretty crazy, I agree.

We'll let you know when she's here!


  1. You can do it girl!! Take it one contraction at a time and then it's like - whoa! baby! :)

    -- Mandy R

  2. Oh my goodness!! PLEASE let us know when she arrives! I am SOOOO excited for you guys! You are going to do wonderufully during birth. I have no doubt!

    I need your phone number for once she is here... how do i not have it?! email it to me please!

    Love you!


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