Tuesday, August 7, 2012

Week 38

I just got finished asking Andrew "can you believe that in 2 weeks our daughter will be right here with us in the living room?". He said no that he couldn't believe it, and honestly, no matter how long this pregnancy has felt, I can't either. I suppose that in 2 weeks she could possibly still be hangin' out in her comfy little uterus home, but it definitely shouldn't be too much longer than that until we meet her. 
I'm slowing down quite a bit. My energy is lacking and I'm having a lot more little aches and pains than before. Braxton hicks ("practice") contractions are happening on a daily basis now, mostly in the middle of the night when I already can't sleep. You know how when your baby is about to be born and everyone says "you better get rested up! save up on your sleep!"? This is terrible advice. For one, you can't "save" sleep. You're going to be tired with a newborn. Period. Also, if saving sleep was even possible, I would be failing miserably. I am SO uncomfortable at night. I usually am awake from around 2:30am until around 4 or so with tons of tossing and turning before and after that. I just take it as God preparing my body for sleep deprivation by starting to deprive me now! Helpful, I guess. 

People at work are starting to make comments like "OH WOW! You're STILL here?!?", "Poor thing. When are you going on maternity leave?" and "My goodness! When is that baby coming?" I'm clearly looking amazing and refreshed every day. Ha...not! All of my residents are so excited and remind me every day that I have to bring her to see them ASAP. 

We have another appointment tomorrow morning so I will have a more accurate update then, but last Wednesday Ruby was still VERY comfortable in Fort Uterus. She was floating around up high and also had her head pointing straight into my right rib cage. No effacement or dilation. I was a little disappointed at the time, but have gotten over it since then. I'm trying to cherish this time when it's still just Andrew and I. I've been enjoying our quiet dinners out together so much more than ever before and soaking up the lazy evenings we get to share. I love my husband so much, and I know adding our little girl to the mix will only up the love quota in our house, but these last couple of weeks of just us is so special and important. 

I really don't think my belly can stretch any bigger. My skin is so tight and itchy and full of lovely stretch marks. Here's a picture from this evening. In case you are wondering, no I don't ever take off these sweat pants. They are my best friend. 

Sweet Ruby, 

Mom and Dad cannot wait to see your beautiful face! Your room is almost done! We have your crib ready for you, and almost all of your pretty little decorations up. It's a great room, I like it better than mine and Dad's. I love sitting in the rocking chair and day dreaming of rocking you in there. I think you're going to like it. Darling girl, we love you so, so much and really cannot wait to hug and kiss you. Come whenever you're ready because we're ready and waiting. 

Love you to the moon and back, 


  1. Love you. Love Andrew. Love Ruby. Love your sweet words and spirit. xoxo

  2. So close allye!!! Cherish these last days with just the two of you!!!! Sooo excited for miss ruby's arrival!! Let us know what the doc says!!!!


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