Monday, March 5, 2012

Week 15

Well we are just chugging right along! When I realize another week has passed and it's time to take a picture I sometimes can't believe time is going so quickly.

Week 15 has been a rough one. I got some sort of stomach bug this weekend and my body revolted. I spent a good part of the weekend either on the couch, in my bed, or near the toilet. It was rough, but I woke up this morning feeling much better and decided to go to work.

This week our baby started "breathing" amniotic fluid through its nose and upper respiratory tract! He/she is almost 4 inches long, about the size of an orange. Although its eyelids are still fused shut, the baby can already sense light, and according to if we were to have an ultrasound this week we could probably find out if our baby is a girl or a boy.
Unfortunately, we have 3 more weeks until we're going to get to find out. I am getting super antsy about it, I cannot wait to find out!

Symptoms this week really haven't changed, besides the bug I got, which I'm not going to blame on our kiddo. I haven't been able to tell if my fatigue is getting better because of feeling sick, but I have a feeling I'm on the upswing here because I have stayed up past 11:00 several nights in a row without feeling like "OH MY GOSH I'M GOING TO DIE IF I DON'T SLEEP RIGHT NOWWWWW!!!" Progress.

I'm starting to feel like I may actually look pregnant to people who don't know I am pregnant. I definitely have more of a belly toward the end of the day, after eating 3 meals (and a few snacks), but seeing a pronounced baby bump is helping me feel like I'm actually growing something and not just gaining weight and looking fat. Body image has been surprisingly difficult for me to handle. I figured that because I know I'm pregnant and that gaining weight during pregnancy is what you're supposed to do, that I would handle my body changing pretty naturally and easily. Unfortunately that hasn't been the case. Not fitting into some of my favorite clothes (as silly and superficial as it may be) has been pretty hard on me at times. I, of course, am able to focus and turn those negative thoughts into positive ones the second I start to remember the miracle growing inside of me, and how much God has blessed us with a healthy baby and smooth pregnancy so far. Not sure how I got started on that, but...moving on!

Here's the bump at 15 weeks!

Little one, 

As the weeks pass the desire to meet you, see you, and cuddle you in my arms grows more and more. I was talking to Auntie Kristina this week about you and how fun it is going to be to see you and Nolan grow up together. We talked about taking both of you to the zoo, and watching you play together. Life with you is going to be so much fun! All the girls at mama's work are guessing if you're a girl or a boy,  it is split about half and half. So many people are anticipating your arrival, you are already SO loved. I know I'm not the only one who cannot wait to hug and kiss you and show you that love in person, but for now, keep growing! 

We love you, 

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