Friday, March 30, 2012

Week 18

Even though I'm 19 weeks pregnant now, I just cannot skip writing about week 18. It was just too good...

What an exciting week, week 18 was! So many things to talk about.

First off, we got to watch our baby on a TV screen for a good 20 minutes at our ultrasound appointment on Wednesday. It was magical, and I could have sat there all day long. While we were there we found out that our baby is a...GIRL! I had a gut feeling that she was indeed a she pretty soon into the pregnancy, but it's still such a fun surprise to find out for sure. 
She was quite the stubborn little girl for Ms. Rhonda (the ultrasound tech). She was laying on her belly the whole time and no matter how much Rhonda poked and shook my belly baby girl just wasn't in the mood to roll over. She was moving a ton though. She would kick her little legs, and move her neck in this funny little hiccup like motion. She finally did rotate enough for Rhonda to tell that she was a girl.
I wish I had an ultrasound machine at home. I would get nothing done though because I would literally come home and watch her all night. She's amazing! 

Baby girl was an estimated 9 oz (1/2 lb.), and 7 inches at our appointment on Wednesday, which is pretty much right where she should be. In the next five weeks her weight could increase by SIX times! Wow, I guess I'm in for a growth spurt, too! They measured all of her major bones, looked at her brain, heart, and kidneys, and everything looked healthy and right on track. I am so grateful for my healthy girl. 

Much to my excitement there was a big baby consignment sale going on at one of the malls here in New Orleans. I went by on Thursday (everything was 50% off) and got some incredibly adorable outfits for the girl. Andrew took this picture when I got home and hung them all up, posted it on facebook with the caption "Lord help us..." 

She does have quite the wardrobe accumulating, and I know this is just the beginning, if all of my girl's aunties have anything to do with it. She's well loved already. 

As Andrew and I were waking up on Tuesday morning I rubbed my belly and noticed it felt different, a lot more round! I asked him to feel and he said "That's SO weird! How did it change overnight?!" It really did change so quickly. Now I have a true bump going on. This is the only picture I got this week, unfortunately. 

I'm starting to feel her move more and more. She is still pretty low, and like our ultrasound proved, likes to lay side to side on her belly. She will only fit that way for a little longer, so I hope she figures out other comfy ways of resting! 

Let me show you some pictures of my little skeleton baby! She's pretty adorable. 
This was our attempt at a profile shot. Like I said, she wasn't cooperative and gave us a shot of the back of her head and tiny little shoulder instead. 
Laying on her belly some more 
And the crotch shot. Andrew kept saying to people at church,  "you can't see this's not appropriate."

Now we are onto deciding on a name. Which, by the way, is probably going to be one of the hardest decisions of my life. It's a major decision, and something that our girl is going to have to live with for the rest of her life...the pressure is on!  

My sweet girl, 

Your dad and I have been so in love with you from the beginning, but getting to see you in action made both of our hearts swell with love and pride for you! Thanks for cooperating enough that we could find out that you're a girl on Wednesday. I know you were probably frustrated about us waking you from your cozy belly nap, but believe me, you'll thank me later when you see all the cute dresses I got to buy for you on Thursday. The anticipation to meet you is growing every day. Your dad and I are trying our best to plan for your arrival. We pray for you every night when we're all in bed, and it is already such a special time for us as a family. I can't wait until you're actually here to cuddle with us in bed, but we want you to keep growing healthy and strong, sweet pea! 

Love you to the moon and back, 


  1. Whahoo!! So exciting! Cannot wait to meet and love on your sweet daughter!

  2. So precious! Love her little closet so far! You will be the best Momma to that little girl!


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