Sunday, June 17, 2012

Father's Day

Sweet Ruby, 

Today we celebrated your dad's first fathers day, although I know that next fathers day will be much more of a celebration for him, and us as a family. Even though you two haven't met yet, your bond and connection is already a special one. You're never more stubborn than when your dad puts his hand on my belly to feel you move and kick. You like to hear his voice though, and when he talks to you, you usually roll around. When we got to see you at our ultrasound on Friday, seeing your dad's face light up with absolute delight just about melted my heart. You already have him wrapped around your chubby little fingers, and I cannot wait to see you two together. 

Ruby, you and I are two lucky girls who have been blessed with a man who loves us so well. He has such a servant heart and takes such good care of me (us!). He is so smart, funny, sweet, genuine, hardworking, loyal...(the adjectives could continue for days). He learned from his wonderful dad (your Dano) how to love his family with a Godly love that brings glory to the Lord. It's easy to translate the love our heavenly father has for us into something tangible when you look at the admiration and love that your dad has for his dad. I can't wait to see that with you two. 

I feel so good bringing you into the world knowing that you'll have a daddy like your dad. You'll see what I'm talking about in just a couple months. 

We love you darling girl. I can't wait to hold you in my arms, but even more so, I can't wait to see you in your dad's arms. I have a feeling you're going to love being in them.

1 comment:

  1. This is so sweet, Allye. I can't wait to see our husbands as Daddy's. Won't be long!


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